Staff Directory
By Department
- Administration
- Career Tech Ed Department
- Counseling and Support Staff
- English Department
- ELL and Support Staff
- Fine and Performing Arts
- Freshman Seminar
- Instructional Coaches
- Math
- Media Center/Library and Support Staff
- PE/Health
- Science
- Social Studies
- Special Education and Support Staff
- Support Staff
- World Languages
Career Tech Ed Department
Counseling and Support Staff
English Department
ELL and Support Staff
Fine and Performing Arts
Freshman Seminar
Instructional Coaches
Media Center/Library and Support Staff
Social Studies
Special Education and Support Staff
Support Staff
World Languages
Abruzzo, Julianne - English
Ahrens, Frankie - English, AVID 9 & 10
Allen, Marianne - SPED Support Staff
Andes, Lauren - Reading Specialist
Ayres, Rob - Social Studies
Baber, Casandra - English, Reading Specialist
Bambury, Michelle - Math
Beglis, Christine - Special Education
Bender, Kathryn - Science
Bishop, Donna - Support Staff, Cafeteria
Bledsoe, Katie - Career Specialist
Booker, Gracie - Support Staff, Custodial Staff
Booth, Barbara - SPED Support Staff
Braxton, Latoya - Support Staff, Custodial Staff
Brown, Dan - Career Tech Ed
Brythorne, Bernice - Science
Carney, Esther - SPED Support Staff
Carter, Cassandra - School Safety
Childress, Kathy - Support Staff, Substitute
Clements, Kimberly - SPED Support Staff
Clements, Taylor - School Safety
Cochran, Chris - Student Assistance Program/Region 10 Counselor
Coiner, Jan - Support Staff, Main Office Manager
Coleman, Evan - Support Staff, Athletics Office Associate
Coleman, Pam - Support Staff, ELL Student Support Specialist
Conner, Adam - Special Education
Cooper, Nyesha - School Safety
Costa, Beth - Administration, 12th Grade - Principal
Crane, Jayla - School Counselor, A-C
Csapo, Jennifer - English
Dawson, Anne - Science
Deegan, Shannon - English, Reading Specialist
Denyer, Christina - Technology Support Specialist
DeStefano, Alfred - Math
Dibble, Stacy - Special Education
Dove, Jeremy - Science, HMSA Director
Eisenhauer, Jessica - Math, Chair
Eliason, Dean - English
Engel, Jane - Support Staff, Lead Instructional Coach
Escobar, Marco - Fine and Performing Arts, Orchestra
Farley, Ian - Support Staff, Cafeteria
Faruque, Monique - Social Studies
Frazier, Derek - World Languages
Frimpong, Peter - Support Staff, Custodial Staff
Gahring, Phil - Special Education
Garcia, Cesar - Science
Gardner, Catherine - Career Tech Ed
Garland, Leitress - Support Staff, Study Hall TA
Garland, Robert - Fine and Performing Arts, Chair, Photography
Garr, Karen - PE/Health
Gaskins, Laura - School Counselor, Hoe-Mel
Gentry, Brittany - School Counselor, Seb-Z, and AP Coordinator
Goff, Erikka - Science
Gomez, Rachel - Math
Goodin, Teresa - Talent Development Resource Teacher
Green, Wendell - Administrator, 9th Grade
Hankins, Melissa - SOL Test and PSAT Coordinator
Harris, Dustin – Fine and Performing Arts, Digital Imaging/Art
Hatchett, Yulanda - Special Education
Heck, Keith - Support Staff, Custodial Staff
Hedberg, Jennifer - Career Tech Ed
Hepler, Matt - Support Staff, Instructional Coach
Hicks, Matt - Social Studies
Hopkins, Donnell - School Safety
Hyatt, Sarana - Support Staff, Substitute
Jackson, Caleb - Support Staff, Cafeteria & Custodial Staff
Jenkins, Connie - Support Staff, Counseling Office Associate
Jenson, Liz - Math
Johnson, Irvin - School Counseling Director, AVID
Johnson, Leta - Special Education, Co-Chair
Jones, Brooke - SPED Support Staff
Jones, Buck - SPED Support Staff
Keith, Barry - World Languages
Keith, Claire - Math
Kelly, Mary - Special Education
Klobuchar, Tim - English
Knight, Virginia - ELL
Knott, Avery - SPED Support Staff
Koehler, Cameron - Social Studies, Career Tech Ed
Kuehne, Nate - School Safety Coach
Leake, Renee - Support Staff, Main Office Associate
Livingston, Jeff - Math
Loving, Paula - Special Education
Ludwig, Erin - English
Lundgren, Bre - Mental Health Counselor
MacDougall, Sharon - Support Staff, Database Administrator, Registrar
Manderfield, Claire - School Psychologist
Marrs, Amber - Support Staff, Attendance Office Associate
Martinez, Adrian - School Counselor, D-Hod
McCaskill, Beverley - World Languages, Chair
McClung, James - Math, Career Tech Ed
McCrory, Mike - Math
McDaniel, Jon - PE/Health
McDonald, Dale - Support Staff, STEP/ISS
Meade, Jennifer - Fine and Performing Arts, Ceramics
Melvin, Cori - SPED Support Staff
Meslar, Sean - Social Studies
Michel, Madeline - Learning Lab
Miller, Sarah - Special Education
Miller, Sheryl - Support Staff, Food Services Manager
Monteiro, Rich - LTC (R), USA, Senior Instructor, JROTC
Morgan-Thomas, Kim - Special Education
Muse, Teresa - Social Studies
Nagypaul, Kyrsten - World Languages
Newton, Peter - Support Staff, Substitute
O’Leary, James - Social Studies
Panek, Megan - Learning Technology Integrator
Parsons, Michael - Health/PE, Chair
Pawlica, Clarissa - Social Studies
Pearman, Christina - Special Education, Co-Chair
Pearman, Matthew - Administration, Athletic Director
Pelletier, Melissa - Support Staff, Fiscal Administrator
Peregoy, Lisa - Administrator, 11th Grade
Pippin, Paige - Social Studies, Co-Chair
Planas, Gabe - Support Staff, Instructional Coach
Poole, Jason - World Languages
Popovic, Bozana - Support Staff, Cafeteria
Pozo, Richie - MSG (R), USA, NCO Instructor, JROTC
Rademacher, John - World Languages, Social Studies
Ragland, Kayondra - Support Staff, Substitute Coordinator
Rahilly, Hanna - Fine and Performing Arts, Drama, English
Rai, Bishal - Support Staff, Custodial Staff
Reese, Amy - Support Staff, Attendance Office Associate
Riccio, Peter - School Safety
Ritchie, Scott - Math
Ritenour, Tyler - Science
Roberts, Ashley - Math
Roberts, Trey - Support Staff, Building Manager
Rogers, Ryan - Social Studies
Rosa, Tierra - Support Staff, Cafeteria
Rost, Kristy - Support Staff, Cafeteria
Rowanhill, Andrea - Science, Chair
Rowe, Britta - English
Royer, Chris - Special Education
Rush, Krista - ELL
Schroeder, Charlene - Support Staff, Substitute
Shelton, Brenda - Support Staff, Cafeteria
Simms, Dave - Social Studies
Skelton, John - Social Studies, Co-Chair
Sloan, Langley - Social Studies
Smith, Bill - School Safety
Smith, DaVell - Science
Southall, Adam - School Counselor, Mem-Sea
Spence, Sarah - English, Chair
Steppe, Roxy - Support Staff, ISS TA
Stott, Jeannette - Fine and Performing Arts, Art
Strickler, Michael - Fine and Performing Arts, Band
Tamang, Tul - Support Staff, Custodial Staff
Taylor, Travis - Support Staff, Custodial Staff
Timms, Jennifer - ELL, Chair
Tomlin, Terry - Support Staff, School Nurse
Trent, William - Career and Tech Ed, Chair
Trotter, Andrea - Administrator, 10th Grade, AVID
Turner-Warren, Jennifer - Special Education
Ulrope, Betsy - Special Education
Ver Planck, Jason - Media Center/Library, Co-Chair
Via, Dana - Support Staff, Custodial Staff
Wade, Cullen - Fine and Performing Arts, Audio/Video Production, English
Wahl, Mike - Special Education
Walker, Emily - Support Staff, Cafeteria
Walker, Tracy - PE/Health
Waller, Mike - School Safety
Weaver, Joe - Family Services Coordinator
Weikle, Elizabeth - Fine and Performing Arts, Chorus
Wells, William - Support Staff, Custodial Staff
Wendell, Robert - Special Education
Wilkerson, April - World Languages
Wilkerson, Heather - Support Staff, Attendance Office Associate
Williams, Rodrigues - SPED Support Staff
Wood, Charlotte - Media Center/Library, Co-Chair
Woodie, Alasia - SPED Support Staff